Ayurvedic Prescriber

by Dr. Manish Tomar


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Ayurvedic Clinical Prescriber by Dr. Manish Tomar is a handy tool and a guide for practitioners of Ayurveda. This tool will help you to write the best Ayurvedic prescription for your patients. The prescription written here are based on the clinical experience of Dr. Manish Tomar.Ayurveda says that each and every patient are different in their nature, body type, and constitution. Hence, the treatment can not be the same for each patient. The prescription we have written here are only for the guidance, doctors should correlate clinically and make necessary changes as per the requirement.Disclaimer:Ayurvedic Clinical Prescriber for Doctors is a handy guide for practitioners of Ayurveda. Common people and visitors are requested not to try any formulation or suggested medicines without doctor’s consultation. Ayurvedic medicines do not cause any harm or side effect if taken under Ayurveda physician’s supervision.